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Forging Allies for Security: Building a Security Culture Through Champions

Updated: Aug 16

Building a Security Culture Through Champions

In a recent webinar hosted by Wizer, Katilyst's Dustin Lehr joined Gaby Friedlander to explore the importance of cultivating a strong security culture through Security Champion programs. These initiatives engage non-security personnel to advocate for cybersecurity within their teams, fostering an organizational culture of awareness and proactive security practices.

Key Takeaways

  1. Champion Programs as a Sales Role: Security professionals must often sell the importance of security practices, influencing change through effective communication and empathy.

  2. Defining an Ambassador Program: Successful programs involve identifying volunteers who can serve as security advocates within their departments, facilitating a two-way flow of information.

  3. Incentivizing Participation: Recognizing and rewarding participants—through both material and non-material means—creates a sense of prestige and belonging, motivating continued engagement.

  4. Measuring Success: Setting clear goals and measuring the program's impact, such as reduced phishing incidents and increased security issue reporting, is crucial for demonstrating its value.


Dustin's participation in Wizer's webinar highlighted the power of Security Champion programs in embedding security into company culture. At Katilyst, we offer expertise and resources to design and manage these programs effectively.

Ready to strengthen your organization's security culture? Contact us today to learn how Katilyst can support your security initiatives.

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